Under the hood: Part 1

Last Sunday, Malcolm Scott outlined Calvary’s vision statement as well as the five pursuits that drive our church community:

At Calvary, we want more of Jesus


Pursuing God passionately

Building authentic and caring community

Exploring creativity

Celebrating change

Influencing our world


And here are some highlights from what he spoke about on Sunday:


As we look “under the hood” of what drives Calvary, so to speak, we want to share how the vision statement can be a clear definition of what moves us. There are many ways to look at the statement, “At Calvary, we want more of Jesus.” I want to break it down into its constituent parts:

At Calvary

We Want

More of Jesus

If we look under the hood of Calvary as a community, we want to see empowerment, support, and accountability.

If we look under the hood of what we want at Calvary, we need to be intentional about choosing Christ and not just the next hot speaker, religious fad, or spiritual self-help guru. We want to do this together.

If we look under the hood of who Jesus is, Jesus teaches us true relationship, true kinship. He brings us to a place beyond “other”. Where there is no margin, no outside, just grace. He does this through love.

In love, Jesus completes us. He calls us to Himself and we respond in obedience, having faith that His grace is sufficient for us. Learning what it means to love like Jesus as we walk in discipleship with Him. Demonstrating that love as his hands and feet. That is what we mean when we say,


“At Calvary, we want more of Jesus.”



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