The Beauty of Community
Calvary is a beautiful community. The Family Service on Sunday gave space for each member of our body to come together in peaceful worship. The world, and sadly the church, too often gets caught up in defending beliefs and prejudices at the expense of relationships. Ephesians 2:14 says, “For he is our peace, who made both one, and broke down the middle wall of partition.”
Christians are the “gentiles” of today but, through Christ, have become the equal sons and daughters of the King.
The body of Christ goes far beyond the borders of Calvary. I have experienced it many times, most profoundly in Haiti. I have written about some of my favourite memories from my life in Haiti in my book project, Mercy Blooms:
“Perfume and incense make the heart glad,
but the sweetness of a friend is a fragrant forest.”
God is always good, but I think I experienced His goodness in a more powerful way when I lived in Haiti. I was accustomed to a large circle of friends back home, and Facebook was in its infancy. I was lonely, and thousands of miles separated me from my closest people. One of my goals was to live in community with the country and the people authentically.
I met Se (sister) Marcel at church. It was apparent that neither of us was fluent in each other’s language, but we seemed to click. She invited herself over (a common practice), and, on Tuesday I went to meet her on the main road. We quietly walked up the treacherous path to my home so we would avoid eating the tiny no-see-ums that clung to our eyelashes. I assumed her pineapple was responsible for the double dose of little pests. Near the top of the hill, she stopped to adjust her high-heeled sandals and spit at the very same time. We looked at each other and laughed. I remember feeling grateful for the kinship I felt. Once comfortably seated on the one piece of furniture in my living room, we did our best to communicate through Kre-English and sign language. After we shared some water and fruit, we both got on our knees and prayed for each other. Not only had God provided a friend I could be myself with, but He also gave me a picture of His unity that breaks down any division and barrier between His own.
What unlikely friendships have enriched your life?
How have you experienced unity with another believer in prayer?
—Sharon Tiede
Reflections on the May 20 Family Service / Colossians 3:15
Alive! Series