COVID-19 Announcement 2
Hello Church Family,
It has been about a week since our last message. My how things change in a week! We pray you are well and caring for yourself and those who rely on you during this time of limited mobility, social distancing, and isolation.
In times like this it can be easy to get caught up in the moment to moment changes, disrupting our routine, affecting habits, and curtailing interpersonal contact. Remember, God is eternal and also the God of change. The Holy Spirit works through change, if we allow. My prayer is that you feel God’s presence, that you ask Jesus, ‘where are you in this?’ and that you allow the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see and ears to hear what is being said during this time of global uncertainty.
One thing you can be certain about: the staff and ministry teams at Calvary are still hard at work to offer comfort, bring words of teaching, and help maintain connection in our community while our meeting times are put on hold.
We encourage our home groups to try virtual meetings at this time. I have heard of groups using chat apps like Google Hangouts and Zoom to keep connected.
Our youth and young adult ministries also remain on hold but our pastors are doing their best to keep everyone connected. Be sure to look for updates in the coming days and weeks.
As well, we will be putting together some resources for children and families to use while many of you are at home.
We encourage you to reach out to your close contacts in Calvary; make sure they are doing well and have everything they need. If you have a need, or want to help someone else out with things like grocery runs and supplies, head over to our Facebook page to join our COVID-19 Response Group where you can post encouragement, ask for prayer and for practical help, and provide the same.
We pray God continues to bless you with good health, a content spirit, and a Kingdom perspective.
On behalf of the Leadership Team,
Malcolm Scott