An Interview with Ava Milne-Epp
As part of our “For Such a Time as This” series, we will be interviewing individuals from our Calvary community about how Jesus is working in their life and in the lives of those around them through this time of pandemic. Each week we will interview someone new, based on the reflection questions provided by our teaching team in the previous blogpost.
This week, we will be checking in with Ava Milne-Epp. Ava is in Grade 12 at Harry Ainlay School, and attends Calvary with her parents, Andrea and Joel Milne-Epp, and younger siblings, Ellen and Eric. When she’s not in isolation, she enjoys doing karate, and making costumes for the theatre at her school. In isolation, she has been doing a lot of knitting and reading. Ava says one of the things she misses most about Sunday mornings at Calvary community is volunteering in the nursery and seeing all the babies! Thanks Ava, for sharing some of your reflections on what Jesus is doing in and around you lately!
What is the moment God has called you into? Ask God about your unique and indispensable role at the time.
I think that God has called me into a time of contemplation and forward-thinking. Before this whole thing, I was very caught up with school, and all of the busyness of life. Although the social distancing aspect of our current moment hasn’t always been fun, it has given me the opportunity to gain some perspective, and consider what I want for my life, particularly in the next few years. Since I am graduating this year, I am making a lot of big decisions about my life. Through this unfortunate situation, God has blessed me with the time and space that I need to focus on my own growth, and to find what is truly the best option for next year, and beyond.
How have you sensed God’s spirit speaking into your life at this time? What scriptures come to mind with a new forcefulness and life?
A verse that has been on my mind recently is Exodus 14:14 – “The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still.” It’s a really good reminder that despite all of our best efforts, God is the only one that is in control, and that even though life can be overwhelming, He is on our side. I also really like the imagery of God “fighting” for us, especially in a time where everything seems to be spiralling downward pretty quickly.
How do you see any of the below statements being lived out in your home or place of work? What have you seen that shows you that we were made for such a time as this? (To bring relief and deliverance? To provide care and perspective? To be the hands of feet of Jesus?)
I have especially seen the third point in my parents. My mom is a doctor, and as such has been a lot more involved with the pandemic. Through it all, she has not only cared for patients, but also reached out to neighbours and friends to check in with their mental health. Both of my parents have led family prayers, and have encouraged us to pray for those around us. They have really created an environment where my siblings and I can continue to grow, despite the extremely stressful conditions. As Christians, we are called to trust God in all things, and that is something that I see in my parents every day.
Read the blogpost these questions were taken from here. Please feel free to encourage Ava or share your own reflections on these questions in the comments below!