Kidzchurch – June 21
Today we are talking about National Indigenous Peoples Day and our friend Alaina is reading us a story about a little girl who is preparing to go to a Residential school. Please follow the lesson below:
Why is National Indigenous Peoples Day important?
*click on video above
Making Hearts
You will need:
A variety of craft supplies like paper, card stock or construction paper (red, pink, white); scissors, crayons and markers, safety pins, ribbon or lacing, hole punch, wooden dowel, stick or popsicle sticks, plastic wrap or packing tape
Invite each member of your family to make a heart which can be planted in your garden to remember children and families whose lives have been affected by residential schools.
Cut out a large heart (5-8 inches across). Talk about what words you want to write or pictures you want to draw on the hearts. Spend time thinking of words or images that describe what you are each feeling after learning about how Indigenous People have been treated in Canada. Write a few words or phrases on the hearts such as “I remember” or “I care” or “Reconciliation matters” or “I will be part of the change.” Use art supplies to decorate the hearts. Glue a popsicle stick or dowel to the back of the heart and cover in plastic wrap or packing tape to protect them from rain. Once you are finished, plant them in your garden and spend some time as a family talking about how you can move toward our neighbours, the Indigenous People of Canada.