Learning from the Indigenous Peoples of Canada
We are, hopefully, all aware of the racial inequality and systemic injustice that is deeply entrenched in Canada’s historical and present-day treatment of Indigenous Peoples. We must each recognize the role we have played individually, as well as the way that the church has contributed to the ongoing injustice.
We know where Jesus stands when it comes to racial oppression – he stands with the oppressed. In our relationship with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada, the church has, with few exceptions, stood on the side of the oppressor. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 tells us that as followers of Jesus, we have been given “the ministry of reconciliation,” but before we can move to a place of reconciliation with our Indigenous neighbours, we must first come to understand the truth of the harm we are complicit in.
We want to take the first steps as a church who desires to decolonize or deconstruct the “white centred-ness” of our faith through learning from the Indigenous People around us – to sit humbly, apologetically, willing to listen. We recognize that during this time, we will only scratch the surface of each of the areas of focus. Our hope is that this educational series will be a starting place through which the Holy Spirit will inspire us to then do the hard and oftentimes uncomfortable work of dismantling the evil of racism within ourselves and our communities. As a body of Jesus followers, we want to commit ourselves to the action that is required as we follow humbly after God’s heart for all of those made in his image.
To begin this series, we wanted to give everyone the opportunity to discover some of the gaps in their own knowledge of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. This quiz is completely anonymous-there will be no names or email addresses collected-it is purely for your own education. This is a TRUE/FALSE quiz and once you complete it, you will be provided with links to the correct answers so that you can add to your knowledge of these areas.
Take the Quiz
What knowledge gaps do you have that you want to pursue?
Indigenization Guide: Aboriginal, Indigenous or First Nations?
Gathering Theme: Treaties – Our Nation to Nation Partnerships
A History of Treaty-Making in Canada
Insight on 10 myths about Indigenous Peoples
The Daily — Aboriginal peoples in Canada: Key results from the 2016 Census