Lectio Divina Podcast: Ezekiel 36:22-28
Lectio Divina is the ancient practice of contemplating scripture. At Calvary, we want more of Jesus and this is a tool that we would like to introduce to the Calvary community, as a way to participate in listening to Jesus through scripture. We want to do this together as a community! Will you try it with us?
Each Monday we will release a podcast that will guide you the Lectio Divina of our weekly scripture reading. You are also welcome to read the scripture from your Bible and follow the guide below, whichever you choose. On Wednesday, you will have the opportunity to read about the reflective experience from someone in our Calvary community. Whether you choose to share what Jesus was speaking to you in this passage to a friend, your home group, write about it on social media or share in the comments section in this post, we’d love to use this as an opportunity to grow in our faith together!
Download a digital version (for your phone or iPad) of the guide, or the printable version, if you like to journal with a pen and paper. The podcast can also be downloaded directly from Podbean, and you can now subscribe to Calvary Baptist Edmonton on Apple Podcasts too!
This week’s scripture reading Ezekiel 36:22-28
Digital and Printable Guides
Lectio Digital Guide (for phone or tablet)