Lectio Divina Reflections (9)
I’m Sandra Holmes. I’ve been the Administrative Assistant at Calvary since September 2015. I began attending Calvary in the summer of 2010 when I moved to Edmonton to begin studies at The King’s University. That’s where I met my husband, Mark. I love playing tourist in my own city: exploring places I’ve always heard about but have never gone to, checking out new cafes and restaurants, and attending events. Really, just taking in everything the city has to offer. Here are some of my thoughts as I contemplate this week’s passage, Psalm 103:1-6
On first read of this passage I can tell that David doesn’t want to let himself forget to praise the Lord or ever stop praising the Lord. He reminds himself many times in many ways to praise with all of himself, and why he praises (because God forgives, heals, redeems, is merciful and generous).
I love repetition in psalms. It’s too easy to read it fast, especially when you’re not reading out loud. When David says, “Let all that I am praise the Lord” at the beginning of verse 1 and 2, I read it in verse 2 as, “Let all that I am praise the Lord.” To me that means his heart when he prays, his lips when he worships, his mind and soul as he lives out his everyday life. Then I read myself into the passage: “Let all that Sandra is praise the Lord, with her whole heart she will praise his holy name. Let all that Sandra is praise the Lord, may she never forget the good things he does for her.” Then I feel conviction. Do I praise the Lord with all that I am? How often have I forgotten the good things he has done for me? But at the same time I feel, as David described, “crown[ed] with tender love and mercies” when I think of all the good things he has filled my life with. This spurs me on to indeed praise the Lord with all that I am and never forget the good things he has done for me.
God, may I continually and always praise you, with all that I am and in all that I do. Thank you for the good things you’ve done in my life, remind me and help me recognize them when I don’t see them. Forgive me, heal me, redeem me. Amen.
During this reflection I felt Jesus smiling. I may not have written out exact ways he has forgiven, healed, and redeemed me or listed the good things he has filled and continues to fill my life with but I was definitely reflecting on them. I smiled and I felt Jesus smiling right back.
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