Lectio Divina Reflections (12)
Hello dear Calvary family! My name is Gary Krueger, probably better known at Calvary as “Cheryl’s husband” and we’ve been a part of Calvary for about 6 years, getting to know you wonderful people and worshipping with you. I work as an e-learning designer/developer at NAIT (although now I am working from home) and love my job. I also love being outdoors and especially on my SUP or kayak. Music is another hobby. Cheryl and I have sung with Da Camera Singers for some years and I have played piano and alto sax with the Cosmopolitan Big Band a few years. I’m also volunteering with Refugee Bridge and excited to help sponsor some families to Canada. Here are some of my thoughts as I contemplate this week’s passage, Psalm 65:9-13.
The Psalmist is beautifully expressing praise to the God of creation, boasting of God’s generosity, abundance and care for the physical environment. He speaks of streams of water through grain fields, gentle showers that prepare the soil, valleys covered with grain and pastures clothed with flocks. He colours it all with emotions of joy and triumph and characterizes the scene with the sound of singing.
What does the text say to me, today, and to my life? How do you see yourself in the text? This psalm encourages me to see the abundant goodness in God’s creation, how beauty, creativity and functionality is built into all the elements of our physical earth. The creator has splurged in every way to make what we see and use and live in the very best it can be for us. We live in an amazing, inspiring, inviting and abundant environment that is a expression of the massive love, care and intelligence of our creator. As I get older I am enjoying being in nature more, even if it’s just putzing around in my back yard or pulling weeds. There’s a sense of peace in connecting with the natural environment, a spiritual connection with the designer that cares about the smallest details and thereby shows his care for me. It grounds me so when I walk in my “unnatural” environments I know, in a sense, where I come from and where I’m going: the Ground of All Being.
What can I say to Jesus based on what I’ve read in the passage? What do I want to ask him? “Jesus, thank you for the beautiful environment you’ve made for us. Help me to be reminded of and grounded in your goodness and love when I’m immersed in the artificial, temporary, man-made environments of day-to-day life. Amen.”
I have experienced solitude and peace as I’ve reflected on this psalm and filled with a sense of gratitude and love for God. I’m also very thankful for the beautiful summer we’re having, walks in the neighbourhood, powerful thunderstorms, time to relax reading books and sitting on my deck with my wife. Maybe Jesus is saying to me “Just be! Just be!”
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