Truth & Reconciliation

For our last post in the “Learning from Indigenous Peoples of Canada” teaching series, we will be exporting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Acts of Reconciliation.

“The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was formed as a means of reckoning with the devastating legacy of forced assimilation and abuse left by the residential school system. From 2008 to 2014, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission heard stories from thousands of residential school survivors. In June 2015, the commission released a report based on those hearings. From that came the 94 Calls to Action: individual instructions to guide governments, communities and faith groups down the road to reconciliation.” (Excerpt from Beyond 94)

Beyond 94 monitors the status on each call to action. It includes updated status reports, explanations and summaries for those reports, features, and documentaries of some of the stories behind the calls to action, and videos/interviews of residential school survivors sharing their experiences.


Beyond 94 Website



What personal act will be your first step towards reconciliation and tearing down the systems of injustice in this country?


TRC Reading Guide for Non-Indigenous Organizations

Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future

The Survivors Speak

Namwayut: we are all one

Personal Acts of Reconciliation

150 Everyday Acts of Reconciliation

150 Acts of Reconciliation for the Last 150 Days of Canada’s 150

Journey Towards Reconciliation: Through the lens of a camera, a group of Indigenous youth in Edmonton explore intergenerational trauma, Indigenous resistance and resilience. 

For kids:
Sharing the Message of Truth and Reconciliation with Your Kids

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