Lectio Divina Reflections (14)
My name is Enoch Rottier. My wife Candice and I have been attending Calvary for around 7 years. Our sweet little girl Rosemary is just over 1-1/2 years old, and she has been a beautiful gift to us. Candice and I have both been involved in worship at Calvary for the past few years, and I’ve been part of the teaching team as well.
When I’m not at Calvary or working as an Electrician, I really love learning about God and discipleship, I really like to write (poetry and creative writing), listen to and play music, eat and make food. As a family we really value our large extended family, and spending time at the farms, the cabin at the lake, and when it’s not Covid; travelling.
Here are my thoughts and reflections on Psalm 99.
This is a declarative Psalm about the true King of Israel and the whole Universe. Throughout the Psalm there is a focus on how God is holy, just and righteous but also how He has been faithful through the entire Bible. He is a God of both judgement and gracious forgiveness.
I am struck by the overwhelming focus on God’s holiness, and the call to worship the transcendent God for who He is: that He is so high above us; pure, good and truly awesome. Often I want God to relate to me in my struggles and circumstances, and He does. It’s good for me to remember that this is the same God who came as a man (Jesus) and that this deep love of God was also seen throughout the whole Bible. Not only does God want to relate to me, He wants to call me to a higher plane. I love how this Holy God cared for His people and guided them in the desert (as recalled in this Psalm) with fire by night and a cloud by day. And though the standard that God sets is impossible for us (even for Moses, Aaron and Samuel), He also forgives us and provides a way to Him.
This God is so Holy & yet He is so very interested in each one of us.I find myself being encouraged – even as I write this – by the powerful and faithful nature of God.
2020 has been very challenging for our family in so many ways, and yet we’ve seen time and time again that God has invited us to not just trust in our own wisdom, but in His unfailing love & character. I have definitely felt foolish in areas of my life that God has asked us to follow Him in, but He is so mysterious and truly does work all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28). Even when I can’t wrap my head around what His purposes might be, and sometime they cost us so much, He surprises us, and never leaves us or forsakes us. What an amazing God! It makes me want to discover even more of Him every day.
God, thank you that you are not someone we create. We can’t control you, you don’t always give us what we ask for, and that can be very hard at times. Thank you for sending Jesus to walk through the same things that we do, and yet He was so Holy. Thank you for showing us your heart, and not only allowing us relationship with you, but desiring it more than we could ever know. Thank you for showing us the way to You: a Holy God, and us: a very broken and messed up world. Thank you that you never give up on me, and that you are doing deep work in my life, in our family, and in our church. Have mercy on Calvary, oh God. We continue to stumble and miss the mark, and especially with the best intentions. Start with me. Shine your pure light on the darkest places, and uproot the things that stand in the way of your Kingdom. May Your will be done in my life, in my family and all of the circles You’ve placed me in, and in the body of Christ here and throughout the world. You are the true King, may everything we do give honour to You!
I don’t know that I’ve really thought about the holiness of God for a little while. I really feel so encouraged by this time of focusing on the character of God. I really see that I get sucked into the despair that is around me, the circumstances of life throughout the world, even the day-to-day challenges at work and just learning to walk in faith in our life. I feel God turning my eyes off of me and my surroundings and on to Him. He may not remove me from some of the challenging circumstances, but He will walk with me through them. The passage of Colossians 3:1-4 comes to mind, specifically ’set your mind on things above, not on the things of earth’, and I feel that I will be meditating on it this week as well, as God leads me through conversations at work, and some key friendships where He has been doing some exciting things.
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