Hello again!

Day 2 in the Bahamas was full of adventures…once we arrived at the camp, we trekked through the jungle to our worksite. It’s pretty amazing to see all the crazy creatures that are out here. Hermit crabs, spiders the size of my hand and geckos of all size were just a few of the many we saw. The cabins are being built right on the ocean. What a view!

Groups worked on all kinds of tasks today: painting, tiling, moving sand, clearing rocks and clearing brush from the forest (with machetes!) In the evening, we headed out to a park where some of the guys on our team (and Rachel!) took on a group of locals in an intense (but friendly) basketball match.

We appreciate your prayers!

2 Comments on ‘Day 2: Bugs, Sweat and Fears’

  1. I’m loving the updates! I hope God blesses you and the people you work for. Enjoy it all! Even the bugs and the heat 😉

  2. Hello Everyone! Our family is trying to watch the video, and dont seem to be able to get it – any tricks anyone (also cant get any punctuations-like question marks etc!!!) Anyway-we hope you are all well down in the tropics, we hope youve gotten your various luggages etc. Whats happening now? We miss you Hayley!! I forgot to tell you to call us – so call us if you get a chance!! Have fun, be safe and cant wait to hear all about it!! xoxoxo

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