A reflective response to Psalm 73
In the courtroom of my heart
Envy is called forward as a witness.
“Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?”
“Yes.” She answers. “I do.”
And then she proceeds to tell the story
of something so great,
it is greater than God.
She displays a map of all the places and situations
where I am out of the reach of God’s love,
shows the cup his love cannot fill,
the hunger it cannot satisfy.
On her calendar are the dates and times
when God abandoned me,
when he left me on my own,
and the suffering I endured.
She shows a diagram of the mistakes
God made
when he created me,
and allotted out the days of my life.
And she continues to illuminate,
in words both vivid and compelling
all that is truly, deeply lacking in my life,
and in me,
and how I must have,
I need,
I deserve,
I cannot live without
The blessings that others have received.
And then she sits down,
Her testimony complete.
And in the silence that follows,
The question echoes softly
“Are there any other witnesses?”
—Sam Drew