More Beautiful for being Broken
Kintsukuroi Lamp
More beautiful for being broken
Let me embrace this fragmentation;
let me join You in searching for the shards
and watch, holding my breath,
as you fill the cracks with gold
that let its luminescence leak through
with the incandescence of your presence.
More beautiful for being broken,
like artists who pulverize plants for paint,
or mineral pigments crushed;
they suffer to release their royal hues,
splendid and liquid and chrysalid,
the place where beauty and tragedy meet.
More wonderful for being wounded?
This space where the light gets trapped
and refracted within the pigments;
The grace arena where it all happens:
Light snared and shaped in the gap
between the layers of paints and strokes.
More beautiful for being broken
I do this to remember You,
and You do this remember me?
You, the prism of fractured light
of hidden colours until the moment
Radiance travels through the Triune.
Only in You can we be more beautiful for being broken
—Rusty Foerger
Curriculum of the Spiritual Life
A response to Acts 9:1-18
Best When Broken Teaching Series