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Posts published by Cheryl Krueger

Services & Sermons
April 7, 2021

What Difference Does the Resurrection Make?

Let’s think about opposites. What is the most opposite thing you can think of? Although I can’t hear you answer in your head, I imagine you saying things like black to white, circle to square, ...

Services & Sermons
February 14, 2021

Risky Business: To Do or Not to Do

Lets start with a prayer: Jesus, be among us this morning or evening or whatever time it is, and be with us wherever we ...Lets start with a prayer: Jesus, be among us this morning or evening or whatever time it is, and be with us wherever we are, in our car or on our couch, for place ...

Services & Sermons
December 13, 2020

Everlasting Father   Good Morning everyone and welcome to this Advent Sunday. We are focusing on Isaiah 9:6, the names that Isaiah says the Christ-child will ...   Good Morning everyone and welcome to this Advent Sunday. We are focusing on Isaiah 9:6, the names that Isaiah says the Christ-child will be called. Today we are considering the name “Everlasting Father”. ...

Services & Sermons
November 1, 2020

What Do You Wish For?

Good morning, Calvary. This week, instead of giving you the sermon to read, I encourage you to watch it. If it’s any incentive there is an ...Good morning, Calvary. This week, instead of giving you the sermon to read, I encourage you to watch it. If it’s any incentive there is an amusing—maybe somewhat ridiculous—puppet show. I’ve included the passage below and ...

Services & Sermons
August 23, 2020

Hypocrites Unlimited

  I’m Cheryl Krueger and with the teaching team at Calvary and we are continuing the series in the gospel of Matthew about the ...  I’m Cheryl Krueger and with the teaching team at Calvary and we are continuing the series in the gospel of Matthew about the Kingdom of God. With COVID, things are changing. I’m realizing ...

Services & Sermons
July 19, 2020

Alive and Growing

  How do you know you are alive? Try pinching yourself. Last I saw you all you were very alive and after several months I presume you still are. But how do you know ...

Teaching Series
May 17, 2020

The Essential Garden

  This is how we might be feeling about now. We might be needing a place to recalibrate, a place to find our cool, and especially a place to find our strength for the ...

Teaching Series
April 5, 2020

Eyes on Jesus

I know we are all feeling the stress of COVID as we’ve come to adjust to the fact that this is real and we’ve ...I know we are all feeling the stress of COVID as we’ve come to adjust to the fact that this is real and we’ve never experienced anything like this before. I don’t know your ...