Your source for announcements, information, articles, interviews, and more from Calvary Baptist Edmonton.

February 28, 2021

Respond in Worship

What comes to mind when you hear the word “worship”? Do you think about a regularly scheduled Sunday service? Do you turn up the volume on your Spotify playlist? Are you imagining David dancing and ...

February 21, 2021

Disciple: Look for Jesus in Everyone

Do you ever get tired of people giving excuses to why something can’t be done? Don’t you wish sometimes someone—maybe you—would just make a change ...Do you ever get tired of people giving excuses to why something can’t be done? Don’t you wish sometimes someone—maybe you—would just make a change for good in the world? Cut through the red tape, ...

February 14, 2021

Risky Business: To Do or Not to Do

Lets start with a prayer: Jesus, be among us this morning or evening or whatever time it is, and be with us wherever we ...Lets start with a prayer: Jesus, be among us this morning or evening or whatever time it is, and be with us wherever we are, in our car or on our couch, for place ...

February 7, 2021

Prepared for the Kingdom

Today, we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of Jesus’ words on His return, His second coming. Phil introduced this section of Scripture ...Today, we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of Jesus’ words on His return, His second coming. Phil introduced this section of Scripture well last week when he said that these next three ...

January 31, 2021

Living in the Present with an Eye on the Future

Last week Rusty shared that humility is a characteristic of a disciple of Jesus. Today we will look at how eternity affects His disciples. ...Last week Rusty shared that humility is a characteristic of a disciple of Jesus. Today we will look at how eternity affects His disciples. Over the next three weeks we will be looking at ...

  Phil Webb
January 24, 2021

Disciple: A Call to Humility

Watch the premiere on our Facebook page! Humility. What comes to mind when you hear that word? I had a friend who, when he first introduced himself, said “Hi, my name is Barry and I’m very ...

January 17, 2021

The More

Have you ever missed a moment that was important? How did you feel? Regret, loss, anger? Maybe you thought missing it wasn’t that important, but then you found out it was more than important! If ...

December 27, 2020

Back to Basics Bible Study

From today until mid-February our teachings in Matthew will focus on a mini series we are calling “Life as a Disciple in the Kingdom”. ...From today until mid-February our teachings in Matthew will focus on a mini series we are calling “Life as a Disciple in the Kingdom”. The final words of Jesus in the book of Matthew ...

December 20, 2020

Prince of Peace

Good Morning Calvary and anyone else who is joining us. Thanks Candice and Enoch for the songs this morning. The last three weeks we have ...Good Morning Calvary and anyone else who is joining us. Thanks Candice and Enoch for the songs this morning. The last three weeks we have been looking at the names given to Jesus in Isaiah ...

  Phil Webb
December 13, 2020

Everlasting Father   Good Morning everyone and welcome to this Advent Sunday. We are focusing on Isaiah 9:6, the names that Isaiah says the Christ-child will ...   Good Morning everyone and welcome to this Advent Sunday. We are focusing on Isaiah 9:6, the names that Isaiah says the Christ-child will be called. Today we are considering the name “Everlasting Father”. ...

December 6, 2020

Mighty God

Welcome to the second Sunday of Advent and in our Advent teaching series we find ourselves in the book of Isaiah, chapter 9. Let’s read ...Welcome to the second Sunday of Advent and in our Advent teaching series we find ourselves in the book of Isaiah, chapter 9. Let’s read our scripture passage together: The people walking in darkness have ...

November 29, 2020

Wonderful Counsellor

Welcome to the first Sunday of Advent! You can find the lyrics for worship here.   Isaiah 9:6 Puzzle Activity (for children and adults) Every week in Advent we will be exploring a new name ...