Your source for announcements, information, articles, interviews, and more from Calvary Baptist Edmonton.

August 30, 2020

Who Do You Say That I Am?   Hi Calvary, my name is Enoch. My wife is Candice and our daughter is Rosemary. We’ve been attending Calvary for 7 years. We have really missed seeing your faces, it’s been way ...

August 23, 2020

Hypocrites Unlimited

  I’m Cheryl Krueger and with the teaching team at Calvary and we are continuing the series in the gospel of Matthew about the ...  I’m Cheryl Krueger and with the teaching team at Calvary and we are continuing the series in the gospel of Matthew about the Kingdom of God. With COVID, things are changing. I’m realizing ...

August 16, 2020


  Have you ever hiked up in the mountains to a look out? Usually there’s a steel railing surrounding the lookout, and maybe you ...  Have you ever hiked up in the mountains to a look out? Usually there’s a steel railing surrounding the lookout, and maybe you even leaned out on the railing to get a better ...

August 9, 2020

Heart of the Kingdom

  Welcome to Calvary and our teaching series “Matthew: An Invitation to the Kingdom.” When we began this series back in January—back before the pandemic, ...  Welcome to Calvary and our teaching series “Matthew: An Invitation to the Kingdom.” When we began this series back in January—back before the pandemic, back before our unique suffering as a Church, I quoted ...

August 2, 2020

Big Problems, Small Resources

  Hello church family. This morning I am sitting on one of my favourite places, Fort Edmonton Footbridge. I often like to come here to ...  Hello church family. This morning I am sitting on one of my favourite places, Fort Edmonton Footbridge. I often like to come here to walk, to sit, and to think. Today, I want to ...

July 26, 2020

Kingdom Joy

  As we’ve moved through this series on “Matthew: An Invitation to the Kingdom” we’ve been learning about what it means to live as Kingdom people here on earth, in this present time. Over ...

July 19, 2020

Alive and Growing

  How do you know you are alive? Try pinching yourself. Last I saw you all you were very alive and after several months I presume you still are. But how do you know ...

Matthew: An Invitation to the Kingdom
July 12, 2020

Weeds in the Kingdom

  A bruised reed He will not break, A smouldering wick – He will not snuff out. This is a prophecy about Jesus told ...  A bruised reed He will not break, A smouldering wick – He will not snuff out. This is a prophecy about Jesus told through Isaiah some 700 years before Jesus would walk among ...

Matthew: An Invitation to the Kingdom
July 5, 2020

The Need for Radical Rototilling

  Good Morning Calvary. I’m Phil Webb and I am part of the teaching team at Calvary. Over the last four weeks we have ...  Good Morning Calvary. I’m Phil Webb and I am part of the teaching team at Calvary. Over the last four weeks we have been looking at what the Kingdom of God is all ...

  Phil Webb
Matthew: An Invitation to the Kingdom
June 28, 2020

What is Jesus Doing Today?

  Good Morning Calvary. Today we are continuing our teaching series “An Invitation to the Kingdom”. Are you wrestling with a big question right now? A ...  Good Morning Calvary. Today we are continuing our teaching series “An Invitation to the Kingdom”. Are you wrestling with a big question right now? A question that makes you anxious? A question that keeps you awake ...

June 21, 2020

The Father’s Heart

  Good morning, Calvary. Today we are continuing our study in the book of Matthew. We are invited to the Kingdom of God and ...  Good morning, Calvary. Today we are continuing our study in the book of Matthew. We are invited to the Kingdom of God and today we’ll explore more of what it means to live ...

Matthew: An Invitation to the Kingdom
June 14, 2020

No Prisons in His Presence

Watch the premiere on our Facebook page! Have you ever had a problem that made you anxious and unsettled to the point of pacing? Pace around and be held prison by it? These past ...